Below are a few examples of the writing and editing work I’ve done for both clients and also as part of personal side-projects. Enjoy!

Client work

Understanding the Potential of Web3: A report I wrote with Careful Industries which examines whether emerging web3 technologies can make progress with significant global challenges

The Current State of Assurance in Establishing Trust in PETs: this is a report I wrote in collaboration with Alice Thwaite, as part of The Royal Society’s wider report on privacy enhancing technologies. Alice and I conducted a review on how certain privacy enhancing technologies build or maximise trust-relationships within the contexts that they are used.

**The Words We Use in Data Policy: Putting People Back in the Picture:** this was commissioned and produced by Defend Digital Me, and outlines the ways in which the language we use to describe data changes the way we perceive and use it.

Provocation write-ups for Hattusia: when Hattusia was active, I would attend their monthly tech ethics meet up and then write the talks into blog posts. These covered a range of subjects within tech ethics, from algorithmic impact assessments to critical views on how technology has caused a ‘crisis of attention’.

Introducing the Local Needs Databank is a blog post I wrote for The Data Collective, outlining how charities and funders can use a dataset that maps needs across the UK at a granular level.

The Three Stages of Product Development is a resource I wrote up for Catalyst, designed to help charitable organisations better understand the various processes and workflows that are typical in digital product development.

Beyond Thinking is a Medium post I wrote for Moral Imaginations, which explains a few of the concepts they were concerned with at the time, such as warm data.

Stuff I’ve written for fun because why not

These are some side-projects and other little bits to give you an idea of the kinds of things I produce when given full creative freedom.